How To Boost Build Muscle-Part 2: WFPB Nourishment

I am often asked: How do I increase muscle mass?

Increasing muscle mass is essential to prevent bone loss, to boost metabolism naturally, prevent injury, to maintain healthy weight, and for overall health.

Losing weight is virtually impossible without building muscle mass.

Building muscle mass DOES NOT mean you will “bulk up”. A healthy skeletal muscle mass is a key component of health.

There are four important ways to build skeletal muscle mass.

1) Strength training exercises such as using body weight, dumbbells, free weights, kettle bells, or resistance bands (Watch video)

2) Whole-foods, plant-based nourishment (Watch video)

3) Rest and restorative sleep

4) Track lean muscle mass, segmental muscle balance, and basal metabolic rate

The key to success is finding a community, or ecosystem, to keep you accountable to your goals and celebrate your successes.

What makes our ecosystem different? We are body-positive and use metrics beyond the scale to track your progress, achievements, and success. We can track your skeletal muscle mass and basal metabolic rate using our Inbody Body Composition Analyzer.

Are you a busy woman who wants to transform her body and health for the people in your life you love most? Schedule a consultation with the Veggies Over Pills Team to join our community of Butterflies.

At Metamorphosis Holistic Wellness, we help busy women transform their bodies and health for the people they love most. The habits that transform your body and health will also transform the health of the ones closest to you. Schedule a consultation to join our Ecosystem of Butterflies.

You can also find Dr. Adame on the Plate Up Health App as a physician expert. Follow her on the app or join the Metamorphosis Wellness Ecosystem on the app for meal ideas, exercises, mindfulness based stress reduction, group meetings, encouragement, support, and more.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


How To Boost Build Muscle-Part 3: Rest and Restorative Sleep


How To Boost Build Muscle-Part 1: Strength Training