How To Help Kids Eat More Veggies

How do I get my kids to eat more veggies? This is probably the question I get asked most as a holistic pediatrician.

As a pediatrician and holistic wellness expert, I firmly believe that healthy children start with healthy adults in their lives. One of the most common questions I get at wellness visits (and other appointments) is “How do I get my kids to eat more veggies?”

Most parents do not need to be convinced that veggies are healthier for their children. They know this. What families need instead of scolding and finger wagging is guidance and empowerment.

Our previous blog focused on leading by example and taking small steps at a time.

Taking small steps at a time is crucial.

Children are by nature suspicious of new foods. This is an evolutionary remnant from when we spent most of our time outdoors.

I advise parents to identify veggies and veggie-containing meals that their children already enjoy and serve them more often in your meal rotation.

Gradually introduce new veggies by pairing them with familiar favorites.

As previously mentioned, do this with a low-pressure approach. For example, if your kids like raw carrot slices, pair them with bell pepper slices or roasted broccoli.

Be patient and avoid power struggles.

Do praise them when they try the new veggies, but avoid scolding or shaming if they don’t.

At Culver Pediatrics Center, we help busy parents transform their children’s mind, body, spirit health by educating and empowering their families, communities, and schools in nutritional wellness. We firmly believe in a Veggies Over Pills approach when it comes to health because healthy children get their start with healthy adults in their lives.

Stay tuned for the rest of our recommendations!

We guide parents to transform their children’s mind, body, spirit health by educating and empowering families, communities and schools in holistic nutritional wellness because. We believe healthy children start with healthy adults in their lives. We take a Veggies Over Pills approach for our comprehensive pediatric services, combining science-based medicine with holistic principles. Schedule a consultation to start your children’s wellness journey with us.

Do you already have a great pediatrician for your children, but would like to transform your own mind, body, spirit health for the benefit of those you love most? Our Holistic Wellness Program For Women is right for you.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


Veggies Over Pills Radio Show: How To Get Kids To Eat More Veggies


How To Help Kids Eat More Veggies Part 2