Coming September 2025! PANDAS Retreat for Moms

We are thrilled to share that we will host a retreat especially for mothers and female-identifying caregivers of children affected by PANS/PANDAS.

This will happen September 2025 on our beautiful town of Culver, IN on Lake Maxinkuckee.

Ledbetter on Lake Max

The agenda will include a combination of wellness activities and informational sessions:

  • Morning Yoga

  • High-Protein, High-Fiber, Anti-Inflammatory Meals

  • High-Protein, High-Fiber, Anti-Inflammatory Cooking Demos with Chef Chris

  • Guest Speakers to learn more about PANS/PANDAS

  • Connect and share your journey with other parents

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction activities

  • Learning sessions with Dr. Noemi Adame

Join the Retreat Interest List to receive updates on Dates, Guest Speakers, Agenda, Fees, and more.

If you would like to join our PANS/PANDAS clinic at Culver Pediatrics Center, register for one of our informational group sessions.

At Culver Pediatrics Center we aim to transform children’s mind, body, spirit health by educating and empowering families, communities and schools in holistic nutritional wellness because. We believe healthy children start with healthy adults in their lives. We take a Veggies Over Pills approach for our comprehensive pediatric services, combining science-based medicine with holistic principles. Schedule a consultation to start your children’s wellness journey with us.

Do you already have a great pediatrician for your children, but would like to transform your own mind, body, spirit health for the benefit of those you love most? Our Holistic Wellness Program For Women is right for you.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


Staff Retreat Overview


Veggies Over Pills Radio Show: The Corporate Food Industry's Effect On Children's Health