5 Steps To Successful Wellness Goals in 2024

Hello 2024!  Time to make New Year’s Resolutions. Wellness-related resolutions are the most popular.

According to a Forbes Health Survey, the most common New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 include:

·      Improved Fitness (48%)

·      Improved Finances (38%)

·      Improved Mental Health (36%)

·      Lose Weight (34%)

·      Improved Diet (32%)

By March, most people have forgotten or given up on their resolutions. While I am not an expert on finances, I am an expert in helping people maintain their wellness goals, not just at the start of the year but for all 12 months and beyond.

There are typically FIVE key steps to successful wellness goals:

  1. Be SMART. Vague, general, unmeasurable goals are a set up for failure. Setting SMART goals clarifies the parameters, focuses your efforts to use time and resources productively. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. A goal of “I want to lose weight” is  not very specific or time-based. It is measurable, possibly attainable, but it may not actually be relevant. Often, after we onboard a patient for our Signature Wellness Program at Culver Wellness Center, they discover that losing weight will not necessarily improve their health. Instead, they need to increase skeletal muscle mass and decrease their percent body fat, though their weight may remain the same.

  2. Partner with an accountability buddy or pod. A lonely wellness journey is destined to fail. Human beings are social by nature, even us introverts need support. Forming an accountability “pod” or ecosystem is essential for the success of your wellness journey. I advise that anyone setting wellness goals should identify one person or better yet a group of persons that will help keep each other accountable. Sometimes, it is actually best NOT to pick someone super close to you. Those that love you the most will often let their responsibility to keep you accountable slide. They may go easy on you. This is why the use of personal trainers and wellness clinics is so effective. You are paying them to keep you accountable.

  3. Practice Self-Compassion. A holistic wellness journey allows us to be vulnerable and human. There are times you may miss a work out. There are times that you will have cake . When I eat cake, I savor every bite without guilt! Ditch the “all or nothing” mentality. This rigid approach will lead to harsh self-judgement and prevent you from achieving your goals. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be human.

  4. Be Patient. I once heard a motivational speaker say, “If you go to the gym one day, then look in the mirror, you will not notice a difference. If you go to the gym two days, then look in the mirror, you will not notice a difference. If you go to the gym for one week straight, then look in the mirror, you will not notice a difference. If you go to the gym for six weeks, then look in the mirror, then you might start noticing a difference. If you go to the gym for six months, then look in the mirror, you will notice a difference.” Be patient with yourself. Be patient with your body. Be patient with the process. Wellness is not a sprint, it is a marathon for life.

  5. Monitor Progress daily, weekly, and monthly. I recommend that our Butterflies monitor progress frequently to get a sense of where they are in their wellness journey and gage how they are feeling about it. They can then make necessary adjustments if it feels that their ultimate goals are not realistic or attainable. Using the Metamorphosis Holistic Wellness Journal, Butterflies track their achievements daily, including nourishment, physical activity, steps, mindfulness activities, social connections, sleep, and other holistic metrics. Each week, Butterflies self-reflect and self-evaluate their journey to identify wins, barriers, triggers, and set backs to make adjustments to their journey as necessary. Tracking progress frequently helps keep you motivated! I am all about weekly planning and daily logging.

My wellness goals for 2024 are to, within 3 months:

·      Increase muscle mass by 15% in my arms.

·      Increase weights from 15 lb dumbbells to 20 lb to increase upper body strength.

·      Increase total skeletal muscle mass by at least 4 lbs.

All of these are specific (certainly more than “improve fitness”), measurable (using our Inbody Scan), Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

At Culver Wellness Center, we help busy women transform their mind, body, spirit health by helping them set SMART goals and guiding them through all these five steps.  

We offer a transformational wellness experience exclusively for busy women who ARE NOT looking for a quick fix. We partner with you on your wellness journey to achieve your goals holistically and sustainably.

Do this for YOURSELF.

We offer a complimentary initial consultation to all prospective patients to make sure we are the right wellness team to guide your journey.

At Culver Wellness Center, we help busy women transform their mind, body, spirit health holistically and sustainably. The habits that transform your body and health will also transform the health of the ones closest to you. Schedule a consultation to join our Ecosystem of Butterflies.

You can also find Dr. Adame on the Plate Up Health App as a physician expert. Follow her on the app or join the Metamorphosis Wellness Ecosystem on the app for meal ideas, exercises, mindfulness based stress reduction, group meetings, encouragement, support, and more.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


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