Brighten Up Your Winter: How Light Therapy Can Help the Winter Blues

The winter blues are in full swing and affecting many families. The shorter days and our reduced natural sunlight exposure disrupts circadian rhythms leading to disordered sleep and a misbehaving immune system. Our melatonin-serotonin physiology is disrupted.

The result can vary from just feeling a little down to full blown seasonal affective disorder (SAD). in our clinic we see an uptick in PANDAS/PANS flare ups and exacerbation in symptoms of neurodivergent kids.

One way to combat the winter blues is through Bright Light Therapy.

Bright Light Therapy (BLT): Use a light therapy lamp with at least 10,000 lux. We use the Carex Theralite in Clinic and use it at home. I recommend at least one 20-30 minute BLT infusions daily, within one hour of wakening.

The most beneficial light exposure should happen in the morning, shortly after waking up, as it helps to signal your body to wake up and start the day. The last one should not be later than about 4 pm. BLT suppresses melatonin levels, so it should not be done too late in the afternoon.

BLT is an evidence-based intervention to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and restore sleep/wake cycles naturally and without the use of pharmaceuticals.

By manipulating melatonin levels through light exposure, bright light therapy can help reset your body's internal clock, which is crucial for regulating sleep patterns. 

Use the code culver10 for a 10% discount off any lamp.

Our Carex Theralite in Clinic is available for our patients to use while they visit us!

At Culver Pediatrics Center we aim to transform children’s mind, body, spirit health by educating and empowering families, communities and schools in holistic nutritional wellness because. We believe healthy children start with healthy adults in their lives. We take a Veggies Over Pills approach for our comprehensive pediatric services, combining science-based medicine with holistic principles. Schedule a consultation to start your children’s wellness journey with us.

Do you already have a great pediatrician for your children, but would like to transform your own mind, body, spirit health for the benefit of those you love most? Our Holistic Wellness Program led by Nurse Becca may be right for you.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


Dr. Adame’s Power Boosting NanoBowl


Dr. Adame’s Holistic Guide to Manage Winter Blues