Dr. Adame’s Skin Health Routine
As a pediatrician, many teen patients come to me for skin health management. While I follow the American Dermatological Association practice guidelines, I also integrate holistic, non-pharmaceutical interventions.
When it comes to holistic interventions, I follow my own recommendations, particularly when it comes to skin health.
My skin care routine starts before I put anything on my skin.
It’s also not new, mostly. I have had a fairly similar skin care routine since I was about 16 years old.
My lifestyle habits have improved with age, partly due to knowledge and partly out of necessity.
Our bodies become less forgiving as we age, especially post-menopause.
Dr. Adame’s Skin Care Routine:
Drink A LOT of water. I have been doing this since I was about 10 years old, when I read an article about Jaqueline Smith (Kelly on Charlie’s Angels), where she said she drank a lot of water to keep her skin clear.
Avoid toxins like alcohol and smoking.
Sleep is the best beauty product.
High-protein, high-fiber, anti-inflammatory nourishment for elasticity, acne prevention, a healthy microbiome, and reducing chronic inflammation.
Limit added sugars and processed foods,.
Eliminate dairy products.
I don’t wear make up, just the occasional lipstick.
Limit caffeine to one cup of coffee daily (usually!)
Exercise 4-5 times per week to increase blood flow to skin and detoxify naturally.
Skin Care Products (less is more!). My daughter (and Culver Peds social media manager) and I use SkinStat MD Products ! Use the code culver10 for 10% off lowest priced product when ordering.
Wash face with Hydrating Facial Cleanser (during winter when my skin is so dry) and Foaming Facial Cleanser (during summer when the air is more humid in Indiana
Exfoliate a 2-3 times per week with a homemade, plant-based scrub from a local shop Handmade Happenings
Niacinamide Serum 10%, apply on clean, dry skin
Moisturize with either Oat Butter or Body Oil . I like both, and alternate which one I use.
Kara and Dr. Adame
Are you ready to GLOW from the inside and out?
We carry SkinStatMD skin health products here at Culver Pediatrics Center.
On our far and wide search for skin health products that met our high standards, we found Dr. Margaret Towolawi’s SkinStatMD Skin Health line. Her products are gentle, natural, plant-based, non-toxic, and packaged with sustainability in mind.
Use the code culver10 for 10% off lowest priced product when ordering.
At Culver Pediatrics Center and Camp Veggie, we aim to transform children’s mind, body, spirit health by educating and empowering families, communities and schools in holistic nutritional wellness . We believe healthy children start with healthy adults in their lives. We take a Veggies Over Pills approach for our comprehensive pediatric services by integrating science-based medicine with non-pharmaceutical holistic principles. Schedule a consultation to start your children’s wellness journey with us.
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We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.