Workforce Wellness: Nourishment

Dr. Adame spoke at the Pediatric DPC Mastermind on February 2024 about Workforce Wellness Ecosystems. One important aspect is the proactive design of an environment that allows staff to make healthy nourishment choices. She gave practical actionable steps for physician employers to achieve this feasibly and economically.

Actionable Steps :

  • Make Water Readily Available

  • Allow Time For Staff To Eat

  • Provide A Comfortable, Well-Stocked Space For Staff To Prepare Packed Lunches

  • Provide Healthy Options at Work Place Events or Meetings

  • Directory of Nearby Restaurants With Healthy Options

  • Lead By Example

Dr. Adame is available for speaking engagements. You can book the Veggies Over Pills Doctor, Noemi Adame, physician and holistic wellness expert for your next event, meeting, corporate retreat, conference, or assembly.

Dr. Adame is a thought-leader in the pediatric concierge movement as a clinician and business owner and holistic wellness expert. She delivers keynotes that are customized to educate, empower, and inspire your audience. Her dynamic and energetic live presentations offer entertaining yet powerful insights on the power of corporate wellness ecosystems that retain and enhance your workforce.

Book a call to discuss a customized speaking engagement that fits your needs.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


Workforce Wellness: Physical Activity


Last Day of Culver Summer Staff Clinic